Delivery Time: Normally 3-5 Days. Cylinder Is Filled At Time Of Order.
Chevette/Kadett C Hatch/Saloon/Estate Windscreen Seal With Groove For Insert....
Kadett C Coupe Windscreen Seal With Groove For Insert....
Chevette/Kadett C Hatch/Saloon/Estate Windscreen Seal Without Groove For Insert....
Classic Vauxhall And Opel Door Pins....
Chevette/Kadett C Hatch Fixed Side Window Seal....
Kadett C Coupe Fixed Side Window Seal....
Ford Pinto ACL Auxiliary Shaft Bush, Will Fit Engines:
Delivery Time: Normally 48 Hours.
Delivery Time: Normally 3-5 Days.
Delivery Time: Normally 24-48 Hours.